RECETOX Events 19 September - 23 September 2022
19 Sep 2022, 10:41
RECETOX Events 19 September - 23 September 2022
The seminars at RECETOX start this week.
- Luděk Bláha (RECETOX): Introduction to new semester and Ph.D. studies (15 minutes)
- Anne-Christine Aust (RECETOX): Quantification of tryptophan catabolites of human gut microbiota in neonatal dried blood spots and stool;
- Darshak Gadara (RECETOX): Development and Application of Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 20, 9:00 am Venue: D29/252 (RCX1)
The complete program of RECETOX Seminar Series is HERE. The seminar is mandatory for PhD Student.
(Only for those who are temporarily abroad)
meeting ID : 346 573 522 332 password: izoWug
Seminar Series for bachelor and master students
Přehled výzkumných skupin v RECETOX a možných témat DP a BP
date and time: September 22, 12:00 venue: RCX1 (D252)
The complete program is available HERE.
Seminars Series for bachelor students (E1000)
Představení učitelů centra RECETOX a studentů 1. ročníku bakalářského studijního programu Životní prostředí a zdraví.
date and time: Pondělí, 19.9. ve 13:00 venue: RCX1 (D29/252)
The complete program is available HERE.
- The International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022), 18 - 22 September 2022
- Panelová diskuze na téma "Možnosti kariéry v institucích EU", 20.9.2022, 16:00 - online (registrace ZDE)
- Experiences from stays and secondments in 2021/2022 (Daniela Brenner, Ishita Virmani, Darshak Chandara, Marina Grossi, Michal Bittner-all RCX): - 27.9.2022, 9:00, RCX1 (D29/252)
- Researcher's Night- 30 September 2022
- International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2022), 19 - 21 October 2022