Newsletter and Internal information 6/2020
15 Jun 2020, 16:23
RECETOX Student Best Poster Award
On June 2, 2020, RECETOX announced the winners of the first "Best Poster Award" for the best poster presented at the new Ph.D. conference. The winners were announced by prof. Luděk Bláha, in a hybrid event in which about half of the participants were present in the lecture room and half online due to the current situation.
Read the article HERE.
RECETOX firstly joined the TEAMING Club
For the first time the second generation of TEAMING projects, including our CETOCOEN Excellence, join the TEAMING Club, which is the informal group associating twenty-five prestigious TEAMING projects awarded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme.
Although the plan was to meet in person, we organized this event online due to the current situation.
Martin Bobák: A person's health is most affected by his social background
The article is Czech only.
You can read the article HERE.
Your RECETOX e-mail signature
An updated RECETOX e-mail signature is available at INTRANET.
Please, download this new version and stop using the signature with the old logo and the long name of the center "Centre for toxic compounds in the environment". Thank you.
Cycling first aid kit
We have prepared the basic bike first aid kit for all our cyclists. In the garage, you will find the bike pump, basic bike tools, puncture repair kit, some silicon oil and inner tubes (26", 27,5", 29" and 700). If you use the inner tube, be so kind and bring the same one to be ready for the others.
Do you need a hand to fix some basic problems with your bike? You can ask Jaromír Sobotka, Jirka Novák, Ondra Sáňka, Honza Ostřížek or some other colleagues.
The results of SOČ announced
Congratulations to all our high-school students who succeeded in SOČ. In the Czech Republic following students were awarded:
1. place in category Chemistry Thesis: Structural and biochemical analysis of haloalkane dehalogenase DmmA Author: Hana Bernhardová (supervisor Ing. RNDr. Martin Marek, Ph.D.)
3. place in category Chemistry Thesis: Study of molecular basis of protein stability Author: Martin Havlásek (supervisor Mgr. Antonín Kunka)
5. place in category protection and creation of the environment Thesis: Perfluorinated compounds and their monitoring using passive samplers in the Morava River, district Uherské Hradiště Authors: Ondřej Florián, Karel Špaček (supervisor doc. Ing. Branislav Vrana, Ph.D.)
In the Slovak Republic, following student was awarded:
3. place in category environment, geography, geology Thesis : The influence of fungicides exposure on organic matter decomposition by soil microorganisms Author: Tomáš Hovořák (supervisor doc. RNDr. Jakub Hofman, Ph.D. )
Submitted proposals:
- H2020-SC1-BHC-11-2020: dr. Vlad Popovici - CapTOX3D: CAPturing the TOXicity of compounds targeting the retinoid-signalling pathway with integrative 3D in vitro assays (as partner)
- H2020-SC1-BHC-36-2020: dr. Petra Přibylová - AURORA: Actionable eUropean ROadmap for early-life health Risk Assessment of micro- and nanoplastics (as partner)
- H2020-SC1-BHC-36-2020: dr. Karla Pozo - EMMI: European Micro-Network on Monitoring of Human Exposure to Micro- and Nano-Plastics and Assessing the Impact on Human Health using Analytical and Modelling Approaches (as partner)
Adamovsky, O., Buerger, A. N., Vespalcova, H. Sohag, S. R., Hanlon, A. T., Ginn, P. E., … Martyniuk, C. J., Evaluation of Microbiome-Host Relationships in the Zebrafish Gastrointestinal System Reveals Adaptive Immunity Is a Target of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Exposure. (2020) Environmental Science & Technology, doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c00628
Urík, J., Paschke, A., & Vrana, B., Diffusion coefficients of polar organic compounds in agarose hydrogel and water and their use for estimating uptake in passive samplers. (2020) Chemosphere, doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126183
16th Summer School and SMURBS Training School 2020
On 15-19 June 2020, the 16th summer school will take place at RECETOX. This year it will be conducted exclusively online.
The main topic is "Contaminants in the environment."
Martin Scheringer from ETH Zurich, Christer Johansson from Stockholm University, Gerard Hoek from Utrecht University, and many other experts in the field have already confirmed their participation.
Shiva Sabzevari
Specialist Research group of Jakub Hofman; Soil Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
Alena Bečková
Assistant for Facility management, Occupational and health safety, Fire protection Operations Department