Consortium meeting and Stakeholder workshop
Consortium meeting and Stakeholder workshop
2 - 4 October 2023 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
We are pleased to invite you for the Workshop with stakeholders on „How to integrate mechanistic ecotoxicology and ecosystem services into the next generation ERA framework?“ organized within the PRORISK project on 3-4 October 2023. The Workshop will be held in a hybrid form – in person in Amsterdam and online.
Students, researchers and partners from the PRORISK consortium are invited also to the Consortium meeting taking place on 2-4 October 2023. Workshop is part of the event.
Consortium meeting: 2 – 4 October 2023
Stakeholder workshop: 3 October (15:00-18:00 CET) – 4 October (9:30 – 12:30 CET)
Location: Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands + online
Venue: VU Amsterdam, Auditorium of O2 building, De Boelelaan 1108, 1081 HZ Amsterdam
Below you can find all necessary information.
Stakeholder workshop
Consortium meeting
About the location
Lecturers and stakeholders
Practical information
„How to integrate mechanistic ecotoxicology and ecosystem services into the next generation ERA framework?“

Background and objectives
The Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is nowadays rapidly changing from relying on simplified descriptive laboratory tests towards incorporating mechanistic, ecological and socio-economic process information. The PRORISK network ( created a unique interdisciplinary training platform for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) - doctoral students - who worked together during 2020-2023 on the advancement of current ERA. The PRORISK ESRs integrated data from their research – from chemical exposures, ecotoxicological experiments and trait-based studies towards ecosystem services and socio-economical valuation – to develop case studies that will be presented and discussed with stakeholders.
The objectives of the PRORISK workshop are:
- to present the outcomes of the two PRORISK case studies addressing recreational fishery and crop productivity selected as model ecosystem services
- to discuss with stakeholders lessons learned and gaps identified and collect feedback and suggestions on the next steps towards the next generation ERA implementation
Who should/could participate
Stakeholders and experts interested in advancements of ERA from all relevant domains including international regulatory bodies and agencies, national authorities involved in risk assessment, industry partners, consultancy companies, academic researchers.
The workshop will consist of keynote lecture, presentations from PRORISK students, reflections and discussions with stakeholders.
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 (15:00-18:00 CEST)
- Welcome and objectives of the PRORISK Workshop (Ludek Blaha, PRORISK coordinator)
Keynote lecture: Dr. Dan Villeneuve, US EPA :"Combining new approach methodologies and adverse outcome pathways for ecological risk-based screening and prioritization"
- Presentation of PRORISK findings and case studies (doctoral students, PRORISK)
- Questions from PRORISK to stakeholders & general plenary discussion
Wednesday 4th October 2023 (9:30-12:30 CEST)
- Reflections / presentations by stakeholders (Domenica Auteri - EFSA, Bruno Campos - Unilever, Leo Posthuma - RIVM)
- Discussions
- Summary of recommendations on further steps
Monday 2nd October 2023
- 11:30 – 12:00 Arrival at VU, registration, welcome and opening
- 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
- 13:00 – 17:20 PRORISK progress & case studies, presentations of ESRs, discussions (detailed agenda below)
- 17:20 – 18:00 Preparing for stakeholder workshop
- 19:00 PRORISK dinner & boat trip
Tuesday 3rd October 2023
- 09:00 – 13:45 PRORISK progress - continued (detailed agenda below)
- 13:45 – 14:45 Preparing for stakeholder workshop
- 15:00 – 18:00 PRORISK Workshop with Stakeholders (hybrid) – Part 1
- “How to integrate mechanistic ecotoxicology and ecosystem services into the next generation ERA framework?”
Wednesday 4th October 2023
- 09:00 – 09:30 Preparing for stakeholder workshop
- 09:30 – 12:30 PRORISK Workshop with Stakeholders (hybrid) – Part 2
- 13:30 – 18:00 PRORISK Consortium meeting (continued)
- 18:00 Closing and drinks to celebrate PRORISK
The VU Amsterdam is located close (~10 minutes walking) from the station Amsterdam Zuid, which is close to Schiphol Airport and can be reached from Amsterdam Central by metro. The VU Amsterdam can also be reached by tram 24 or tram 5. See the map below. The PRORISK meeting will take place in the O2 building, number 1108, shown in the red circle.
See also VU web: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (

Accommodation will not be organized by organizers. Following hotels might be considered, in suggested order of priority (based on available rooms, ease with which the university can be reached, etc.):
- Hotel V Nesplein ****
- Hotel V Frederiksplein***
- Volkshotel Amsterdam Oost
- Conscious Hotels
- Hotel Casa Amsterdam
Please book your hotel on time to get an affordable offer and avoid hotels already being booked.