Advanced training course 3 (ATC3)
Advanced Training Course 3
8 - 12 November 2021 | Brno, CZ
We are pleased to invite you for the Advanced Training Course 3 (ATC3) organized within the PRORISK project. Below you can find all necessary information.
Contact person: Veronika Jálová
Date: 8 - 12 November 2021
Location: Brno, Czechia
Venue: University Campus Bohunice
ATC3 will consist of three scientific courses:
- SC5 - Effect and Biomarker Methods in (Eco)toxicology
- SC6 - Test systems, from in vitro to community tests
- SC7 - Introduction to modelling
In addition to the scientific courses, communication and teambuilding activities are planned for the PRORISK students (ESRs).
The courses and supporting program are primarily intended for PRORISK students, but some of the activities will be open to students outside of PRORISK in limited numbers. A motivation letter will be required from these applicants. More info in the registration form.
The completed ATC3 course provides 3 ECTS credit points.
The Supervisory Board meeting and the consortium progress meeting with the Advisory Board will be part of the ATC3. These events will take place on Wednesday 10th November 2021.
Throughout its turbulent history, the Czech Republic, the eighth safest country globally, located in Central Europe, has been integral not only to the history of the world as such, but also to the development of science and innovation, bringing to the world contact lenses, the foundations of genetics and blood-type research, the lightning rod, nanofibers, the word robot, lager beer, and much more. Major cutting-edge areas of focus include hologram production, speech recognition, hyaluronic acid, cybernetics, and stem-cell research, among many others.
With fourteen regions boasting breath-taking mountain ranges, beautiful castles and chateaux, world-famous spas, unspoiled landscapes, and lively metropolises, such as Prague, Brno, and Ostrava, the Czech Republic is both a treasure in its own right and the perfect base for exploring the rest of Europe. Come and see for yourself.
Brno, the second-biggest Czech city and the capital of the South Moravian Region, is an evolving science and technology hub in the Central European macro-region, engaged in numerous European research infrastructure initiatives. It is an amazing university city, a forward-looking technology centre, a place of professional opportunities and unique functionalist architecture. Brno is where Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of genetics, spent a substantial part of his life. Come to Brno and discover the second-biggest Czech city and its scientific base.
Learn more: Brno Region | Go To Brno | Tourist Information Centre | Use It Travel
Campus of Masaryk University situated in Brno-Bohunice district is modern building made for teaching and scientific research purposes. Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Sports Studies are located here as well as CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, and RECETOX - Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment. The university campus is closely adjacent to the University Hospital Brno.
Peter Fantke
Peter Fantke is professor for quantitative sustainability assessment with focus on assessing life cycle fate, exposure, and effects of chemicals. He is director of USEtox, the UNEP/SETAC scientific consensus model for characterizing chemical toxicity and ecotoxicity, and coordinates global task forces on quantifying emissions of pesticides and addressing impacts from exposure to toxic chemicals and fine particulate matter.
Knut Erik Tollefsen
Dr. Knut Erik Tollefsen, senior scientist at Section for ecotoxicology and risk assessment has been employed at Norwegian Institute for water research (NIVA) since January 2002. He is alos workng as an Adjunct Professor in Ecotoxicology at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) since Aug. 2006. He is an Eurotox registered ecotoxicologist with over 20 years of experience in ecotoxicology with special emphasis on ecotoxicological testing (effect assessment), biomarker research, ecotoxicogenomics, environmental monitoring, endocrine disruption, radiation, combined toxicity and risk assessment. Dr. Tollefsen is acting as an expert advisor for the Norwegian Environment Agency; participates in the OECD working and management group on non-animal testing (WMG-NA), the OECD advisory group on Molecular Screening and Toxicogenomics (EAGMST) and the EC expert advisory group on endocrine disruptors. He has extensive project management experience in national and international projects and has published over 120 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (h-index:37, i10-index: 74), supervised 6 Bc. Sc. students, 17 M. Sc. students, 20 PhD. students and 5 Post docs.
Dagmar Heiland Trávníková
Dagmar is assistant professor at Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies, Department of Social Sciences and Sports Management. She is involved in university courses such as psychomotor games, psychomotricity, adapted physical activities, juggling, teambuilding, team skills or social skills of teachers. She will provide guidance during teambuilding activities for ATC3.
Helena Guasch
Scientist at CEAB since August 2018, I spent more than 15 years at the University of Girona teaching classes in the Department of Environmental Sciences and conducting research at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology. I started my research career studying primary production in Mediterranean streams, a subject that I expanded by addressing the effects of human activity on river ecology. In this context, my research group has been searching for biological indicators of different types of impact and exposure to pollutants: molecular biomarkers of stress, bioindicators and ecosystem functions, among others. We evaluated the ecological effects of pollution in laboratory-scale experimental studies using microcosms, in artificial rivers, in field experiments, and in observational studies conducted at river basin scale. Regarding the development of new study methodologies, we are interested in ecotoxicomics as a tool to improve our understanding of the reciprocal relationships between human alterations and the role that microbial communities play in improving the quality of water and the health of the ecosystems. Recently, the focus of our research opens up its scope a little more by considering the principles of sustainable development. We include economic and social aspects to address new challenges in conservation ecology. The research I am currently leading has as its main objective the creation and validation of protocols for the reduction of plastic pollution in mountain ecosystems and the knowledge of the links between microbial communities and the “pasticosphere”. I am also very interested in understanding the causes and mitigating the effects of nutrient pollution in Mediterranean rivers, an ancient environmental problem, but one that is highly relevant in the context of global change.
Candice Teo

Passionate and effective Communications & PR specialist with demonstrated experience of miracle work in travel & lifestyle before leaping into the future focusing on emerging technology. Strong initiator of integrated brand, marketing & communications strategies for solid results alongside the ever-changing communications landscape. Inspired by Tech for Good and motivated to contribute to teams that are positively impacting the world.
Jonny Beyer
Through my work in environmental research for more than twenty years, I have collected broad experience with ecotoxicological lab and field studies, chemical and biochemical analyses, method development and quality improvement activities, environmental monitoring, including guideline developments, pollution responsive biomarkers, environmental risk assessments, ecological effect assessments of industrial pollution situations, as well as advisory to governmental and industrial bodies. I also have broad experience with project acquisition, project management and scientific mentoring and tutoring activities. I enjoy making my research work available to a broad audience by doing popular dissemination as well as publishing in scientific journals.
How to get to Brno
See a guide with instructions how to get to Brno from Vienna or Prague Airport. Due to construction work on the routes from Prague to Brno, we recommend that you travel through Vienna. There is also information about Integrated Public Transport System of the South Moravian Region (Brno is the center).

Accommodation for ATC3 participants from the PRORISK consortium is pre-booked in Hotel Continental. Please book your rooms individually by email or phone! For the booking you will need a password that will be provided by Veronika Jálová on request. The rooms (Superior single and double) are pre-booked for the PRORISK consortium 31 October 2021.
Lectures and courses
Lectures and other training activities are planned to take place at the Masaryk University Campus Bohunice.