Invitation for Advanced training course 4 (ATC4)
Advanced Training Course 4
19 - 22 May 2022 | Copenhagen, Denmark
We are pleased to invite you for the Advanced Training Course 4 (ATC4) organized within the PRORISK project which will be after the SETAC European meeting.
Below you can find all necessary information.
Contact email:
Date: 19 - 22 May 2022
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Venue: IDA Conference
Prorisk ATC4 and Consortium meeting is organized by The University of Sheffield (USFD) in cooperation with Technical University in Denmark (DTU) and PRORISK coordinator Masaryk University (MU). It is following SETAC European meeting.
ATC4 will consist of three scientific courses:
- SC8 - Comprehensive exosystem services training
- SC9 - Tools for socioeconomic analysis of ecosystem service impacts
- SC10 - Regulatory perspectives: government and industry
In addition to the scientific courses, case studies and Master class lecture is planned for the PRORISK students (ESRs) and partners.
The completed ATC4 course provides 2 ECTS credit points.
The Consortium meeting will be part of the ATC4 which will take place on Friday, 20th May 2022.
Sabine Apitz
Sabine Apitz
Consulting scientist and Editor-in-Chief, SEA Environmental Decisions Ltd, IEAM, Great Britain
Luděk Bláha
Luděk Bláha
Head of Environmental Toxicology reasearch programme and professor of Environmental Toxicology at RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czechia
Matty Berg
Matty Berg
Professor and Head of the section Animal Ecolofy at Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Leo Posthuma
Leo Posthuma
Professor nad researcher at National Institute fo Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Utrecht, Netherlands
Karin Nienstedt
Karin Nienstedt
Head of Sector at Unit Pesticides and Biocides, European Commission, DG SANTE, Belgium
Weather in May varies, usually quite sunny, temperature average 15.5°C (59.9°F) and an average low of
7°C (44.6°F).
For the boat trip, we recommend to bring a warm jacket. It is always colder on the water.
Travelling round Copenhagen: Metro is the fastest way to travel round Copenhagen
For more travel info see journey planner on Rejseplanen
Consortium meeting informal diner - Brdr. Price Rosenborggade
Consortium meeting and ATC4 - IDA Conference
ATC4 Dinner - Madklubben
SC10 - DGI byen
IDA conference center
Closest metro is Rådhuspladsen or Copenhagen main station (Hovedbanegården). Approx. 15-20 min. walk from Rådhuspladsen to IDA
Boat tour Copenhagen
Departure 19:00 from Nyhavn
Nyhavn 3, 1051 København
Enjoy a classic canal tour around Copenhagen’s harbour and the idyllic canals. The boat guide will tell you about the beautiful churches, castles, old listed houses, new buildings and all other sights of interest. This boat sightseeing tour departs from Nyhavn. Closest Metro is Kongens Nytorv metro station.

Is a conference center, hotel and sports center with indoor swimming pools a few minutes’ walk from Copenhagen Main Station (in Danish called ‘Hovedbanegården’)