Areas of expertise
- Effectiveness evaluation, including monitoring of levels of persistent organic pollutants
- Development and establishment of laboratory capacity, including the promotion of standard sampling and analysis
- Development, updating of national inventories and update and implementation of national implementation plans
- Promotion of awareness raising and information dissemination programmes, including awareness-raising among the general public, of issues related to the Convention and sound chemicals management
- Science-policy interface and collaboration
- Review of available/existing policy, legal and technical infrastructure, capacity and institutions at the national and local levels and the possibilities/potential to strengthen them
- Development and strengthening of the research capacity at the national, subregional and regional levels
- Trainings and building laboratory capacities of staff, policy makers and stakeholders
- Enforcement mechanisms at national level
- Human exposure to toxic chemicals
- Project proposal writing, legislation development and enforcement, risk-assessment and management of toxic chemicals
- Communication of chemicals management, risk-assessment and exposure to toxic chemicals