Field trip to Košetice

Košetice, located in Vysočina, is an observatory of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. RECETOX has been using this facility for over 20 years for measuring air quality and as a teaching center, where RECETOX students conduct field practice. This year, students from the Environment and Health program visited Košetice in June, and with their supervisor, Roman Prokeš applied their theoretical knowledge in practice.

28 Jun 2022 Marie Hošťálková

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The Environment & Health program's week-long field trip is a core requirement for completing the bachelor's degree. Students usually remember the week in Košetice as one of the highlights of their studies. The main aim of the trip is to show students how to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Although originally the stay was designed for master's students, in the last three years, first-year bachelor's students have been coming to the Vysočina Region. After the first study year, they can "try out" science out of the lab. The field trip's tutor is Dr. Roman Prokeš from the RECETOX TraceLab CentLab. He spends a whole week with the students and with Dr. Jakub Urík, the bachelor's students' consular. During the trip, other RECETOX lecturers also present their research topics to the students; it's a unique opportunity to get students excited about science and research.

And what does such a stay in Košetice look like? From Monday to Friday, there is a busy program. Theoretical lectures alternate with practical activities showing how science is "done" directly in the field. This year's field exercise started with a talk about the station's history and the local monitoring activities. A tour of the observatory followed the theoretical introduction to show the tools used for measurement to the students. For the first time, most students see and use the monitoring instruments outside, and they are part of measuring actual data. On Tuesday, students tested the physical properties of water flow and precipitation in the forests around Košetice. This activity was followed by a presentation about aerosols by representatives from Czech Globe. In the middle of the week, other RECETOX teachers visited Košetice, met with the students, and explained their scientific topics in an informal setting. Dr. Karel Brabec from the Geographical Institute of the Faculty of Science came to the field trip on Thursday. Under his guidance, students collected invertebrate species in the local stream, which they then identified more closely with the help of microscopes. The end of the week was devoted to soil sampling with Dr. Milan Sáňka.

In Košetice, Environment and Health students understand their studies and RECETOX research better. They also meet their professors in a different environment than the university campus. And although each day is full of professional activities, in the evening there is time for fun, playing board games or having a bonfire. The field trip is not only about scientific knowledge but also, great experiences.


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