Bc. Petra Nezvalová
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We strive to make our scientific and research results available to the widest possible audience, including the scientific community, students, private sector and industry, regional and national political representatives, as well as international and intergovernmental institutions, which utilize these results to formulate policies and guidelines for health and environmental protection.
Through the National Center for Toxic Compounds and the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity Building and the Transfer of Technology, RECETOX supports the Czech Republic and international institutions in implementing international treaties and agreements, such as the Stockholm Convention.
Doing so, RECETOX translates the results of research and development in the daily life. This could thus take the form of new legislation or contribute to a ban on the production of harmful substances or products containing them.
We cooperate with the application sphere of the private and public sectors on the regular and long-term basis. Our partners are the multinational corporations, regional firms and start-ups on the one hand, and hospitals or fire brigades on the other.
Cooperation is usually realized through:
We regularly organize excursions for schools, offer specialized seminars that can be incorporated as part of the standard high school curriculum, and participate in popularization events aimed not only at piquing the interest of students in their study programs and scientific disciplines but also at explaining the roles of science and research in society.
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