Non-analytical laboratory capacities
The capacities of accredited laboratories are complemented by the distributed capacities of specialized laboratories supporting research in the areas of photochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, toxicology and protein engineering. These highly specialized facilities significantly strengthen the research infrastructure potential for collaboration with the application sector by supporting the development of new biotechnologies, materials, signaling molecules and test systems.
The available equipment of these laboratories is briefly listed in the following overview. For further and more detailed information on specific expertise and services, please contact the contact persons listed below.
Organic photochemistry and supramolecular chemistry laboratory
Expertise and services
- Design of New Photoactivatable Compounds for biology and medicine
- Design, synthesis and characterization of new supramolecular assemblies
- Understanding the Mechanisms of Photochemical Reactions
- Environmental Photochemistry
Facilities and equipment
- Nanosecond laser flash spectroscopy system (170 ps Nd-YAG laser)
- Pump-and-probe spectroscopy system (150 fs Ti:sapphire laser)
- Fast transient kinetic measurements under cryogenic conditions
- UV/VIS/NIR absorption spectroscopy (transmission and reflectance measurements)
- Spectrofluorimeter (excitation and emission spectra)
- Optical benches for steady-state irradiation experiments
- Laboratory of organic synthesis
- Walk-in cold room and photochemical cryogenic photoreactors
For more information, contact prof. Petr Klán.
Protein engineering laboratories
Expertise and services
- Design of biosensors for detection of environmental pollutants
- Determination of the structures of protein in a solution
- Picking of colonies carrying mutant proteins during directed evolution experiments
- Desintegration of bacterial cells overproducing engineered proteins
- Determination of thermodynamic parameters and stabilities of proteins
- Production of natural and engineered biocatalysts for degradation of toxic wastes
- Analysis of enzymatic activities and substrate specificity profiles
- Purification of intracellular proteins using liquid chromatography
- Determination of very low concentrations of volatile compounds
- Analysis of protein-ligand interactions
- Identification of reaction products and toxic intermediates
- Formation of emulsions for enzymatic catalytic reactions
- Screening of substrate specificities and screening of inhibitors
- Determination of protein and DNA concentrations
- Determination of pH in liquid media
- Automated handling of small of volumes of liquids
- Analysis of transient kinetics for determination of rate-limiting steps
- Screening of enzymatic reactions
Facilities and equipment
- Advanced Compact Ion Chromatograph
- CD Spectropolarimeter (2x)
- Colony picking robot
- Desintegrator
- Differential scanning calorimeter
- Fermenter (2x)
- Fluorescence spectrophotometer
- FPLC (3x)
- Gas Chromatograph (5x)
- Isothermal titration calorimeter (2x)
- Mass Spectrometer (2x)
- Microfluidizer
- Microplate Reader (2x)
- Nanodrop
- pH Titrator
- Pipetting robot
- Rapid Quench Flow (2x)
- Spectrophotometer Ultrospec
- Stopped Flow (2x)
For more information, contact Dr. David Kovář.
Toxicology and Ecotoxicology
Expertise and services
- Ecotoxicological tests for aquatic and soil environment (D. rerio, X.laevis, D.magna, Ch.riparius, C.elegans, E.fetida, F.candida, E.crypticus, algae, cyanobacteria, bacteria)
- Laboratory testing in vitro: molecular and 3R/3D toxicology including stem cells, endocrine disruptive potencies, genotoxicity
- High-content toxicological screeing and real-time imaging (epMotion, Flow CAM, TissueFAX, RTCA xCelligence, Zeiss w/Metasystems)
- Bioavailability and microbial parameters (online OxiTop, online GC/TCD, SFE-GC/MS)
- Advanced reporter gene assays for contaminated samples (dioxin-like activity, estrogenicity, androgenicity etc.)
- Water quality and risks of natural toxins (blue green algae, cyanotoxins)
- Health and environmental risk analyses – occupational exposures, industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals
Facilities and equipment
- Ecotoxicology laboratories – aquatic and soil animals, algae, cyanobacteria and bacteria
- Sampling and sample processing (analyses of water, cyanobacteria and toxins, FlowCam; biologiccal samples – extractors, homogenizers, SPE, lyophilizer Christ, autoclaves)
- Toxicological in vitro laboratories (flowboxes, incubators 15-37°C incl. CO2 a O2 regulation, cell counters, automatization - epMotion, BioTek BioSpa; deep temperature freezers, LN2)
- Imaging and high-throughput technologies (Zeiss microscopes, Tissue FAXSi4, Metasystems, flow-cytometer Apogee, RTCA xCELLigence SP)
- Microplate analysers for 96, 384 a 1536 wells (BioTek Synergy, Cytation, PowerWave, Thermo Luminoskan Ascent, BMG-Labtech POLARstar OPTIMA
- Molecular biology, biochemistry (NanoDrop, thermocyclers Roche LightCycler, Biometra, Rotor-Gene; ELFO and Western transfer BioRad and Millipore, documentation X-ray, ECL/UV/WL – UVITEC a DNR MF-Chemibis)
- Analytical toxicology – Waters Xevo HPLC/MSMS, Agilent GC/MS.
For more information, contact prof. Luděk Bláha.