Founded in 1983, RECETOX is an independent department of Masaryk University’s Faculty of Science. We are engaged in research and education in the fields of environmental and health. Our main activities comprise of monitoring toxic compounds in the environment, various products and human tissues, and evaluating the risks they pose, as well as their associated toxicological and ecotoxicological health effects; developing new sampling and analytical methods; developing new chemical tools and methodologies, biotechnologies and software tools. We are equipt to rapidly respond to new challenges concerning environmental contamination monitoring and exposure of the population to toxic compounds and their mixtures, and propose preventive and legislative measures, and offer appropriate interventions for chemicals management.
We work closely with various industrial partners to safeguard human health and ecosystems from the effects of toxic compounds,. Furthermore, through hosting of the National Center for Toxic Compounds, and the Stockholm Convention Regional Center (SCRC) for capacity building and transfer of technology, we support countries in Europe and Africa, as well as international institutions in the region.
RECETOX’s Research Infrastructure, is a centralized facility for the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects, and is divided into individual core facilities that analyze a wide range of anthropogenic natural substances and toxins in environmental or biological matrices, conduct long-term environmental and population studies, and develop sophisticated software tools for management, analysis, interpretation, and visualization of data.
RECETOX provides multidisciplinary education in bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs in the fields of environmental health, mathematical biology, and biomedicine.
RECETOX in numbers
Research staff
PhD students
Research groups
Core facilities
Study programmes
Centres National and Regional of the Stockholm convention, WHO
“Our vision is to become an internationally recognized Centre of Excellence that promotes and implements education and research aimed at understanding how environmental factors affect human health, aging and well-being, and developing innovative approaches for environmental and health protection, and interventional tools for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.”
Prof. Jana Klánová
Director of the RECETOX Centre
History of RECETOX
RECETOX celebrates its 40th anniversary.
RECETOX became the WHO Collaborating Centre. PARC Partnership started. The bachelor study program Environment and Health is divided in two specializations. RECETOX participates in more than 25 EU research projects.
EIRENE project coordinated by the RECETOX at Masaryk University has been included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2021. 30th anniversary of the CELSPAC study. RECETOX received the accreditation for habilitation and professorship procedures in the Environmental Health Sciences.
TEAMING project started. ERA Chair for the RECETOX hired and the group to be established. The CELSPAC biobank construction finished.
RECETOX awarded H2020 TEAMING Phase II project (with advanced partners UCL, ETH, BBMRI-ERIC and FNUSA ICRC), ERA Chair project, Twinning project, and also becomes part of Exposome project cluster
Two new bachelor’s and master’s study programmes are accredited. New organisational structure developed, and construction of CELSPAC Biobank begins
OP RDE projects on Excellent Teams (CETOCOEN PLUS) and RI upgrade (RECETOX RI) granted to the Centre, the TEAMING Phase 1 project granted to RECETOX
First ERA-NET (ERA-PLANET) project awarded. Important H2020 projects awarded to RECETOX (HMB4EU, ERA-Planet, ICARUS)
Trace Analytical Laboratories accredited by Czech Institute of Accreditation, GENASIS information system developed in RECETOX became official tool for Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) data collection. Collaboration with WHO established
RECETOX mandate as Stockholm Convention Regional Centre prolonged. Prof. Jana Klánová becomes Director of RECETOX
ELSPAC epidemiological database housed at RECETOX
CETOCOEN Project starts. New RECETOX building construction started (A29 pavilion)
RECETOX endorsed as Stockholm Convention Regional Centre. Monitoring network MONET Europe established
Start of monitoring the POPs in air in Africa – MONET Africa
Establishment of Ph.D. major in Ecotoxicology. RECETOX nominated as Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for CEE region
Start of POPs monitoring (air) in the CEE GENASIS-environmental database project constituted
First RECETOX summer school organized. Establishment of RECETOX as the National Centre for POPs
Report on the National inventory of POPs in the Czech Republic, establishment of the MONET CZ network
First EU project – Centre of Excellence and first EU framework programme (FP5 project APOPSBAL)
First Ph.D. student graduates (Ecology major) Establishment of the Research Centre – PHARE project
Ivan Holoubek becomes Director of the Department
Regular monitoring at Košetice observatory in cooperation with CHMI
Establishment of Department of Formation and Protection of the Environment, with Rudolf Rozkošný as Director of the Department