INTEGRATE LMedC project was launched in Trondheim

10 Apr 2024

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The INTEGRATE-LMedC project, coordinated by BBMRI-ERIC in partnership with nine Member states, kicked off in Trondheim on 08 April 2024. INTEGRATE-LMedC will develop a concept to integrate large medical cohorts (LMC) to facilitate their efficient utilisation for translational research and the patient's and society's benefit.

The concept will seek to accelerate scientific and medical breakthroughs in Europe and beyond. The meeting was hosted by scientific lead NTNU and featured a full agenda of work package details that include RI tools and services, quality measures, governance models, user needs and the barriers for efficient utilisation of these cohorts and RI, including ethical and legal frameworks.

There was a lively discussion on the definition of large medical cohorts. This set up the project well as participants develop the concept through to a feasibility study that will be based on two examples of use-cases: one stroke case using data from medical health registry data and one case using data from longitudinal population-based studies with different technical, legal, and ethical challenges.

RECETOX was represented by Dr. Pavel Piler and dr. Albert Kšiňan. 

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