The study of Environment and Health? Yes!

At RECETOX, we offer two exciting study programs - Environment and Health and Computational Biology and Biomedicine, both at bachelor's and master's levels. And we asked five of our current and former Environment and Health students why they chose this program, what the studies gave them, what they like to remember and why students should choose RECETOX for their master's.

13 Apr 2022 Marie Hošťálková

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“Environment and health were clear choices for me. I love nature, and I want to preserve it for generations to come. Plus, human health isn't just a thing; what we eat, drink, or breathe affects us. At RECETOX, we get to the crux of it - we learn how to reduce the risks that we humans impose on nature and ourselves - we all want to be healthy and happy, right.

I'm glad that at RECETOX, students and teachers communicate well with each other, and students already take part in exciting scientific projects during their studies. During my Master's, I also improved my English, writing, and presentation skills. I learned how to work with large data sets. It was definitely worthwhile!

And why environment and health? Chemicals are everywhere. They make our lives better, but they can also pollute our environment – we need more scientists to keep their use in check.”

"Who else than you!"


“I chose environment and health because they combine chemistry, biology, ecotoxicology, and environmental protection. After graduation, I stayed in academia while my classmates went to the private sector, where they monitor the environmental impacts of production processes.

Studying at RECETOX was great, especially because of the lecturers and hands-on lab exercises. I learned many things like designing experiments, modeling, and statistics with modern lab equipment. Also, RECETOX is international, and students meet scientists from all over the world during their studies.

Anyone who enjoys chemistry, biology, and working in a lab, and wants something more, should go for a master’s in environment and health.”

"If you want something more from your studies!"


“In my second year as an undergrad, I was fascinated subjects taught at RECETOX. I knew that I wanted to study the human body but didn't want to go to medical school. I also wanted to study natural sciences and about our planet - environment and health offered the perfect combination.

The program has a lot to offer - from mathematics to chemistry, biology, psychology, and computer science. There's something for everyone. The study is practical - we analyze samples in the lab, model, and program. Then we can assess the impacts of those substances on us as humans. The teachers at RECETOX create a great support system - this is true even when going on Erasmus - I never missed any info.

And because there are so few of us enthusiastic scientists, more students should apply for the master's study in environment and health. We need more scientists to join the party.”

"Environment is not only about the global warming and Greta."


“When I applied to Masaryk University, I had a clear goal - I wanted to work on the environment. I was interested in chemical processes in nature and how chemicals affect the ecosystem and humans themselves.

RECETOX has a great advantage - a family atmosphere and individual approach. Both students and teachers know each other, which is priceless when studying! Everyone can get involved in real research projects and get interesting practice already during their studies. And studying is not just about science and lab work; no student should miss out on-field training. The RECETOX field training is essential!”

"Yeah, that´s why!"


“I have been interested in environmental issues since I was a child, so a study program combining biology, chemistry, nature, and human health was the obvious choice for me. If you are passionate about environmental protection and want to make a difference in the world one day, studying at RECETOX is an excellent option for achieving this goal.

At RECETOX, you will find a friendly team - top scientists and experts who are great to talk with and friendly classmates who will have gradually become friends. Last but not least is the opportunity to go on study trips or internships at universities abroad.

And what shouldn't any student miss? The field training! One of my favorites was a practice that dealt with environmental sampling, where we sampled pond sediment from a small boat using specialized tools. It was a beautiful day in May, and we "had to" spend the whole day outside as part of our learning.”

"It was a great decision to study at RECETOX!"

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