Young RECETOX scientists shared their experiences at the first RETRAIN Retreat in Telč

RETRAIN Retreat - the informal meeting of young RECETOX scientists. The two-day event took place for the first time. Its main aim was to introduce the Centre's researchers to each other, share mutual experience and talk about interdisciplinary collaboration at RECETOX. At the Telč University Centre, scientists discussed their scientific expectations, stays abroad, internships, current scientific partnerships, and involvement in European research projects. Read more about the program of the first RETRAIN Retreat in Telč.

7 Oct 2022 Iva Sovadinová Marie Hošťálková Event

Author of all photos: Jiří Kalina

During October 3-5, 2022, the first RETRAIN Retreat took place in Telč - an informal meeting of young RECETOX scientists with more experienced colleagues. The two-day stay at the Telč University Centre aimed to escape everyday scientific work and spend a few days in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere in the picturesque town of Telč.

On the first day, participants had time to reflect on the RETRAIN group's two-a-half years of existence and share experiences, expectations, and suggestions from the perspective of young scientists. They discussed the roles of young scientists at Masaryk University and career growth opportunities; they shared their experiences from foreign universities and research centers. The day's topic was also “how to support the work of young researchers.” Finally, participants discussed how to encourage and further develop internal collaboration across research groups in RECETOX. In the afternoon, the "retrainers" took a tour of the historical center of Telč to relax and regroup.

On the second day, the senior RECETOX management, research program leaders, and colleagues from the research infrastructure joined the meeting to discuss research focusing on the interaction between the environment and human health. The scientists also discussed research funding. Participants took turns moderating selected topics to stimulate open discussion, which was successful. Lively debates continued until the early evening, followed by the last evening together in Telč. After breakfast on Wednesday, RETRAIN participants headed back to Brno.

As the organizer of the meeting, scientist Iva Sovadinová, said: "It is priceless to meet in an informal atmosphere. Although we meet in RECETOX, meeting in a different environment is inspiring. During the discussions, we have found our program's strengths and weaknesses and learned more about what we could focus on in the future." The young scientists also appreciated the opportunity to meet in an informal setting and share their experiences and work at the university.


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