2024 RECETOX Doctoral Conference

This year, the annual RECETOX PhD conference will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2024 in the RCX1 lecture hall (room 252) and in the adjacent corridors at University Campus Bohunice at RECETOX - D29 building.

General outline

The PhD conference will consist of presentations given by students undergoing State Doctoral Exams (detailed instructions are provided in the email) and poster sessions.

All RECETOX PhD students have to prepare and present individual Posters at the annual RECETOX Doctoral conference, onsite. The exception applies to students having presentations during the State Doctoral Exams  (SDE) and those who are in the final stage of studies and submit their doctoral theses. Students, who will have their long-term research internship abroad, will present their posters and also evaluate others´ posters online (see below).

Students who have prepared a poster for another scientific conference in 2023 and 2024 (e.g. SETAC) can also present this poster at the RECETOX PhD conference. However, it is not allowed to present a poster from previous RECETOX PhD conferences.

The Conference booklet will be prepared and electronically distributed to all students and supervisors a few days before the conference. It will contain abstracts of all posters and the SDE Mini thesis, as well as the conference program.

Before the conference

PhD students have to prepare abstracts - both for posters and SDE presentations.

The Abstract should be maximum 120 words including:

  • Introduction to the topic and background.
  • Objectives of the study.
  • Description of methods and approaches (namely for students in the first semesters) and/or description of results (namely for more advanced students in years 3+).

Abstracts (along with posters – if relevant) are required to be submitted (upload) no later than the 12th of May 2024,23:59 (all posters are archived in electronic form).

The link for upload requires authorized access – use your credentials to MS Office 365, which are the same as for IS.MUNI.CZ. Students are requested to upload the final version of the poster in PDF format. The file should be named as follows: "surname_title_of_the_poster.pdf".

(Note: Uploading of slides for SDE presentations is not required).

The poster session will be organized in two sections with specific requirements:

  • Instructions for category A(1st and 2nd year of studies, semesters 1-4 ) – will present posters on 29.5.2024 – describe the background and hypotheses of your starting research; if relevant - show the experimental design; illustrate what methods you (plan to) use; outline what are the expected results.
  • Instructions for category B(3rd year of studies and higher, semesters 5+) - will present posters on 30.5.2024 – present the results of your research achieved so far. You can either present one detailed study (i.e. „standard“ conference research poster) or you can prepare a summary poster of your entire studies.

General note: creativity but proper scientific merit and quality are encouraged!

During the Conference


The State doctoral exam starts in RCX1 on both days, exams are public, PhD students and supervisors are invited to attend. A detailed schedule will be prepared and announced in due time.


Posters will be presented in printed form. The posters should be printed in regular format – size A0

This year, the poster printing process has become centralised. The Operations department will order posters in bulk, with posters being delivered to RECETOX. To have it administered through the Operations department, please follow the steps below:

1. Consult with your supervisor about the project budget to cover the printing costs.
2. With the help of your supervisor, find out the budget (order) number and your research group number.
3. Everyone has to fill in the budget number in the Excel table HERE

If your research is funded by a project, be sure to include a dedication to the project on your poster. Please, contact your supervisor for more information.

The deadline for submitting this information is Thursday, 2nd May 2024, 23:59. This will ensure the process is smooth, and you have your poster printed for the conference.

Students will display their posters in a corridor in front of RCX1 by 8.30 am. Students from category A on 29.5.2024 and students from category B on 30.5.2024. Posters should be displayed at the designated (holder) according to the program (Conference booklet).

(NEW!) Students abroad should have their posters printed as well (arrange with your colleagues or a supervisor. Poster presentations and discussions with students abroad will be organized during specific „online sessions “ using MS Teams (instructions will be provided).

Posters will be displayed throughout the day (including during coffee and lunch breaks). Participants are encouraged to see posters, evaluate them and enjoy the conference.

The main official afternoon poster session is scheduled for each day. The specific times will be announced in due time.

It is expected that supervisors will attend poster sessions together with students. The poster session will be used as the " Annual progress meeting"; PhD board members headed by Prof. Bláha will attend the poster session and discuss it with students and supervisors.


Every student will be tasked to evaluate posters on 29.5.2024 and posters on 30.5.2024; scoring will be required for the criteria below (points 1-5; 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest). Scorings will be collected online and used to select the Best Poster Award. (Detailed instruction on evaluation will be provided in the conference's official program - booklet)

Evaluation criteria: (same for categories A and B)

  • Clarity and comprehensibility of the text employed in the poster
  • Importance and accuracy of the scientific content
  • Appearance and readability of the poster
  • Ability to clearly answer the questions about posters


Each day the daily programme will be closed by the announcement of the Best Poster.

Best posters will be awarded the „Award of the RECETOX Director“, which is accompanied by an extra ad hoc scholarship.



Conference planning and programme 

1. 4. - 12. 5. 2024

By 2.5.2024

Development  and upload of posters and abstracts to the system

Students fill in the Excel table with information about the printing costs (budget number) of posters HERE

All posters and abstracts are available HERE.

By 27.5. 2024

Students attending State Doctoral Exams submit their mini theses (instruction in an email)


PhD conference + Poster session - Category A (students in years of study 1-2). 

8:00-9:00 am Students display their posters in the corridor

9:30 am - Bára Kubíčková - keynote speaker

10:00 am State doctoral exams - RCX1

 1:00 pm - Poster session (1:00-2:30 pm evaluation of posters) and  Annual progress meeting

 3:00 pm closing of the day, the announcement of The best poster award in Category A (prof. Jana Klánová & prof. Luděk Bláha)


PhD conference + Poster session - Category B (students in years of study 3+).

8:00-9:00 am Students display their posters in the corridor 

9:30 am State doctoral exams  - RCX1

12:00 pm( Noon) - Poster session ( 12:00-2:30 pm evaluation of posters) and  Annual progress meeting

 3:00 pm closing of the day, the announcement of The best poster award in Category B (prof. Jana Klánová & prof. Luděk Bláha)


Poster archive

Below you can check the posters from previous RECETOX Doctoral Conferences:

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