Dr. Iva Sovadinová
PI at "Cell and Tissue Toxicology" research group

Iva Sovadinová is a co-leader of the "Cell and Tissue Toxicology" research group. She received an M.Sc. degree in Ecotoxicology and a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Chemistry at RECETOX, Masaryk University. She completed several internships and postdoctoral research stays at the University of Michigan (USA), Michigan State University (USA), UFZ Leipzig (Germany), EAWAG (Switzerland), and University of Udine (Italy).

She is an in vitro toxicologist with a long-standing emphasis on developing, optimizing, and applying physiologically relevant in vitro models as alternatives for animal-based testing. Her actual research topics involve: male reproductive health and reproductive toxicity of chemicals, including underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms, carcinogenic effects of chemicals and their automatic screening, high-throughput (HTS) and high-content (HCA/HCS) screening, in vitro toxicokinetics and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation.

She published 26 scientific papers in JCR-SCI journals with more than 660 citations (h-index of 11), current information: WoS Researcher ID. She has been a PI of several research projects (Czech Science Foundation grant, SoMoPro re-integration grant) and has been involved as a team member in several other projects (FP5, NIEHS-R01, GAČR, H2020 RIA).

She is co-teaching a course of "Applied and mechanistic in vitro toxicology". She regularly (co-)supervises bachelor, master and doctoral students and theses. She is also a mentor of high school science projects (“SOČ“ projects) and actively participates in hosting international students during their interships or research stay at the MU.





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Supervised theses

Field of study: Ecotoxicology
Field of study: Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Field of study: Environmental chemistry and toxicology

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