Assoc. Prof. Pavel Babica
Leader of "Cell and Tissue Toxicology" research group

Assoc. Prof. Pavel Babica received M.Sc. degree in Ecotoxicology (2002), Ph.D. degree in Environmental Chemistry (2006), and habilitated in Ecotoxicology (2018) at RECETOX, Masaryk University. In 2006-2010, he worked as a postdoctoral visiting researcher at the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development at Michigan State University, MI, USA. He has been also affiliated with the Department of Experimental Phycology and Ecotoxicology at Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences.

His research is focusing on mammalian cell-based in vitro models for studying adverse or beneficial effects of chemical compounds, such as environmental and food toxicants, natural toxins (e.g. cyanobacterial toxins) and natural bioactive products. He is particularly interested in physiologically-relevant in vitro models, including human stem and progenitor cell-based models, 3D cultures and co-cultures, which can be used to characterize cell type- and tissue-specific phenotypic responses and cellular events related to maintenance and disruption of tissue homeostasis and development of adverse human health outcomes and diseases.

He is an author of >50 scientific papers in JCR-SCI journals with >1000 citations (h-index 18). He has been a PI of several research projects (including Czech Science Foundation grants, a collaborative CZ-US project of Czech Ministry of Education, and a SoMoPro re-integration grant), and has been involved in several other projects (FP5, NIEHS-R01, CSF/GACR, GAAV, H2020 MSCA-ITN or H2020 RIA).

He is teaching course of ‘Applied and mechanistic in vitro toxicology’, and co-teaching ‘Introduction into the Special Biology’. He regularly (co-)supervises bachelor, master and doctoral students and theses.

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Supervised theses

Field of study: Ecotoxicology
Field of study: Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Field of study: Environmental chemistry and toxicology
Field of study: Pharmacognosy

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