Prof. Jana Klánová
Human exposome

Jana Klánová is a professor of environmental chemistry and the director of RECETOX. She has vast research experience in the field of environmental and health the impacts of toxic substances on external and internal environments, products, and food. Using chemical, biological, and mathematical approaches, and new technologies, she combines data from long-term environmental monitoring and human biomonitoring programs with results of laboratory experiments and mathematical models. 

In the past decade, she has led numerous European Structural Fund (including OP RDI CETOCOEN and OP RDI CETOCOEN PLUS) projects, as well as European framework program projects totaling almost two billion crowns. She currently coordinates the CETOCOEN Excellence project, which aims to build a European Center of Excellence for Environmental and Health Research, and is funded by the Horizon 2020 Program’s  Teaming Challenge; She is a member of the Management Boards of HBM4EU (European BioMonitoring for Europe) project and the ERA-NET ERA-PLANET project.  

She has published more than 180 scientific articles (WoS), with more than 4000 citations, and an h-index of 36, but is also active in translating scientific knowledge into legislation and practical applications. She acts as an expert in the United Nations Environment Program and the World Health Organization for the implementation of world monitoring programs, and leads the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) initiative of the Global Observation System for POPs (GOS4POPs) to enhance the availability and use of interdisciplinary data. She has worked for several years in the Horizon 2020 Program Committee and is currently a member of the ESFRI (European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures) thematic group on the environment. 

Furthermore, Prof. Klánová is the guarantor of the Master's degree program in Environment and Health at Masaryk University, regularly lectures to students of the Faculty of Science and Medicine, supervises student work at all levels, and actively participates in European partnerships for the education of young scientists (Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowship, RISE). She has also established research and educational cooperation with several leading international  universities such as ETH Zurich, University College London, Stanford, Columbia University, and the University of Saskatchewan. 

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Supervised theses

Field of study: Environmental Chemistry
Field of study: Environmental chemistry and toxicology

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