prof. Luděk Bláha
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
The project is executed by the Director of the RECETOX Centre and the Project Coordinator and supervised by the General Assembly representing all the project partners. The executive level of the project is complemented by the Management Board, which is composed of the key staff and WP Leaders of the project. The executive bodies are supported by departmental administrations. The advisory level of the project is composed of the International Advisory Board of the RECETOX Centre, which is composed of top scientists and experts in given scientific areas.
General Assembly is composed of representatives of project partners, one per project partner. The Assembly is the strategic and decision-making body responsible for decision-making in areas of project strategy and exploitation strategy, for monitoring the project progress, monitoring and controlling of project finance and project risks. The Assembly solves the major issues, which could not be solved on the operational or execution level. Every representative has one single vote.
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
Professor of Epidemiology
Institute of Epidemiology & Health
University College London
Head of the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering
ETH Zurich
IT Data protection director
Leader of Neuroscience research
The project coordinator is the Director of RECETOX , prof. Jana Klánová. She is responsible for the overall scientific and administrative coordination of the project including communication with the European Commission, project partners and major contractors.
At any time, the Project Coordinator may call for extraordinary meeting of any governing body, including the General Assembly or conference call if necessary. Prof. Jana Klánová is assisted by the project management team performing the day-by-day business and supporting her in all her roles.
RECETOX Director & Project Coordinator
Professor of Environmental Chemistry
The Management Board is an executive body of the project and comprises of all Work Package leaders and appointed experts representing the project partners. The Board takes decisions at the executive level and aims to reach the consensus whenever possible. If there is no consensus reached, the Board decides based on simple majority vote
The main tasks of the Board are supporting the Coordinator in fulfilling the project tasks, making decisions with respect to the aims of the project, summarizing the most relevant results for the dissemination, comparing the progress with the project schedule and adjusting the plan if needed and possible, strengthening the awareness of ethical, and safety and gender issues and Good Laboratory Practice.
RECETOX Director & Project Coordinator
Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Deputy director for Education at RECETOX
Head of HR Department
Head of the Grant Office
Operational Director
Director of National and Regional Centre
Ethics Board Member
Vice-dean of Faculty of Law
Masaryk University
Office of the Director - head
International Scientific Advisory Board consists of the external internationally leading experts, who are not legally bound to any of the project partners and/or to the consortia. The board advises the consortium and the RECETOX Centre on the nature of its R&D program and its activities in strengthening and spreading excellence within the consortia. The existence of the board gives the possibility to consult both the market and scientific issues and trends worldwide.
The board should support the decision-making of General Assembly by providing objective and non-biased advices and opinions and should meet once a year.
ISAB Chair
Environmental Sciences, Baylor University
ISAB Vice-chair
Canada Research Chair in Environmental Toxicology
Profesor - Professor - Spectroscopy and Catalysis
Chair: Spectroscopy and Catalysis
Radboud University (NL)
Professor of Biochemistry
Director Inserm unit 1124, University of Paris
Head of metabolomic biochemistry laboratory, Necker Enfants malades Hospital, Paris