Environmental health

The new Environmental health research program is being built to link long-term environmental exposure data with health data of selected populations, taking into account other factors that may negatively affect quality of life and contribute to the development of chronic diseases (so-called exposome factors). 

The main objective of this research program is to develop a new experimental and information platform supporting the conventional interpretation of epidemiological and exposure data. It includes: 

  • Building research capacity for data analysis of long-term population studies, implementation of social and environmental epidemiology methods and tools for diagnosing physical and mental conditions in the monitored individuals 
  • Introducing experimental (-omics) methods for the study of the human organism
  • validating new biomarkers enabling identification of sensitive individuals and populations as well as early diagnosis of early stages of chronic disease development
  • developing new methods for integrative data analysis, including machine learning and artificial intelligence. 

Within this program, new chemical and biological methods (-omics technologies) are being developed to characterize the status of the individual (epigenome, metagenome, proteome, metabolome…) and the development of selected biomarkers depending on the complex effect of exposome factors. These methods are applied in long-term studies and their results evaluated in the context of available environmental and socio-economic data. An essential part of the research activities will be the development of a bioinformatics platform for statistical processing and integrative analysis of multivariate data, in-silico testing and validation of selected biomarkers, hypothesis testing, and data mining. 

Strategic partnerships with University College London and BBMRI ERIC to build this program will be supported in 2019-2026 by the Cetocoen Excellence project from the Teaming Challenge of the European Horizon 2020 Program. 

prof. MUDr. Martin Bobák, M.Sc., Ph.D.

ERA Chair - Research programme coordinator

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